Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » In the land of the don of john ALL IS FAKE save for that which he says isn't. TRUTH/REALITY/EVIDENCE/PROOF/UNDER-OATH TESTIMONY is fake. He?

In the land of the don of john ALL IS FAKE save for that which he says isn't. TRUTH/REALITY/EVIDENCE/PROOF/UNDER-OATH TESTIMONY is fake. He?

The only reality he allows in the don of john land is his delusive wackadoodle version which has no core but is fluid elusive amoebaish. Throw away all prior ideas of truth. They no longer are allowed. Only the great obese he tells you what to believe think feel say state speak defend uphold. You must check with him minutely because even he doesn't know what is gonna come out of that mouth. Monitor him 24/7. Pay no attention elsewise elsewhere. HE IS YOUR ALL and ONE AND ONLY. Say one wrong word and you are DEAD TO HIM. Good luck. Take care. Be well.

Posted - December 10, 2019
