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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » ABUSE OF POWER using the offce for his own personal gain. OBSTRUCTION OF CONGRESS. Stonewalling. Is that all?

ABUSE OF POWER using the offce for his own personal gain. OBSTRUCTION OF CONGRESS. Stonewalling. Is that all?

Whaddabout bribery and extortion? Flouting the Emoluments Clause the day he was sworn in as prez? LYING ABOUT EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME? Obstruction of Justice? Enlisting the aid of hotile foreign governments to MEDDLE IN OUR ELECTIONS? Too much truth there. Gotta pick just a couple because the prodon American people are so prodonly "dumb" they need it simplified or they simply cannot grasp it. Yeah. I expect that's correct. Sadly.

Posted - December 10, 2019
