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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Here's the a**backward wingnut prez MO. DECIDE what you want then command your toady sycophants to justify it! No sh**! THAT's IT! REALLY?

Here's the a**backward wingnut prez MO. DECIDE what you want then command your toady sycophants to justify it! No sh**! THAT's IT! REALLY?

Dam* straight it is. The liar wackadoodle makes a completely ridikkalus absurd nutjob statement insisting it is true and then forcing his toady sycophants to lie their way through to that end. Anyone buy it? Not unless they are all wakcadoodles too. The don of john started with the BIRTHER LIE and milked that to death. Then every other absurd insane LIE he stated people ran around investgation include the roy cohn in charge of Justice who LIED about spying on the don of john campaign.

Posted - December 10, 2019
