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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Every time the don of john makes up a story that is untrue and insists on an investigation and nothing comes from it then IT IS A LOSS! YES?

Every time the don of john makes up a story that is untrue and insists on an investigation and nothing comes from it then IT IS A LOSS! YES?

The dingbat don of john simply doesn't get it. Every time one of his lies is exposed as UNTRUE he loses one. Another mark in the LOSER column for him. He keeps chalking tons and tons of LOSSES and no wins. NOT one of the conspiracy deep state birther crap inanities has panned out. NOT ONE. BIG LOSER doesn't realize it of course and he thinks each time he is SHOT DOWN and tries again people will forget all about it. WE DON"T FORGET DONNY BOY. We are keeping track. Keep it up. All your tries and fails are part of your legacy. Keep it up. Keep it up. Keep it up.

Posted - December 10, 2019
