Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Per Senator Lindsay Graham "The abuse of power occured due to Democrats and not due to the president". Y'all agree with he to a T?
When the SENATOR LINDSEY GRAHAM speaks, a strange thing occurs. He scrunches up his brow, while lifting his nose into the air. Then He manages to genuflect to Donald Trump in his mind, all before any words are spoken.
He is a great testament to how ineffective their defense is. ONE, THEY HAVE LINDSEY GRAHAM STICKING UP FOR THEM (THE GOP) and they have NO DEFENSE AT ALL. This is hogwash and he would call it that if he didn't have his head so far up Trump's butt he could see the light.
These guys crack me up Sharon! Graham is on tape years ago attacking demdon. They run it side by side with what he says today. Similarly during the Clinton impeachment he was all holier-than-thou about the obligation for Congress to do it Constitutional job! Now that he is a demdon devotee he sings a different tune. They all prove they are suck-up scairdy cat fools. What shocks me is that demdon got to all of them. Go figger! Thank you for your reply! :)