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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We know dingdong is a saintly homo sap. I expect all prodons are saintly homo saps as well. I know they ADORE HIM. How much?

We know dingdong is a saintly homo sap. I expect all prodons are saintly homo saps as well. I know they ADORE HIM. How much?

I betcha they'd love to spend ETERNITY with him. They've gone so far out on limbs to defend him. They've blocked their brains and eyes and ears to shut out everything negative about him(which is everything) and what they let in they cannot get enough of 24/7. Imagine an eternity in the same room with him? Watching and listening to him repeating his same stump speeches filled with whatever he feels like attacking? Is that heaven enough for y'all? Dare you hope that GOD in HIS merciful way would gift you with that to look forward to? Do you pray for that? Why could it hurt if you started now?

Posted - December 11, 2019
