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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Politics is PARTISAN. GET OVER IT! Impeachment is partisan. The evil in power party wants to hold onto it no matter what. You didn't KNOW?

Politics is PARTISAN. GET OVER IT! Impeachment is partisan. The evil in power party wants to hold onto it no matter what. You didn't KNOW?

Are you stupid? Are you slow? How could you NOT KNOW THAT?

Every Republican supporting demdon is ANTI-AMERICAN. They will follow the demdon anywhere as they have already proven by following him to he** and enjoying it there. They do not want to lose him. He is so much of what they always dreamed of. So they crybaby whinya** their days away kvetching and bitching and moaning and groaning and whaddabouting and attacking and insulting and lying and denying very loud. Per the RUSSKY demdon approved script! Do ya blame 'em?

Where will they ever find a more evil more anti-American more RUSSKY-loving anything anywhere wired to destroy America as effectively as demdonjohn is doing? He be da king at dat ting dey don't no way no how wanna lose dat. Watch the dog&pony show. AWAY WE GO.

Posted - December 12, 2019
