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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Is there a physical limit as to how fast an ice skater can spin, a ballerina can twirl, a Whirling Dervish can whirl?

Is there a physical limit as to how fast an ice skater can spin, a ballerina can twirl, a Whirling Dervish can whirl?

Is there a limit to how many tweets a twit can tweet per minute and keep it up until? Until what happens? Is there a record for how many tweets a twit can get off in a minit? How many in an hour? How many in six hours. No poop breaks or sleep breaks or eat breaks. He can have an IV plugged in and be sitting on a stool with a p[ot to pee in so he can just stay at the job of tweeting all day long? One hundred? One thousand? So far to right now what is the record number of tweets the twit in chief ever tweeted in one 24-hour period?

Posted - December 12, 2019
