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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » When we do things that help others we ought not do it for any reward. We ought do it because it is the "right" think to do. Right?

When we do things that help others we ought not do it for any reward. We ought do it because it is the "right" think to do. Right?

Say we live in a world where we have believed that and tried to live our lives doing that and being that.

But we see that doing good is sometimes or lotsa time punished and doing "bad" or harming others is sometimes or lotsa times rewarded.

So what we are told and what we see/experience cannot be reconciled.

What do we do with it? How do we handle it? Is it better to do nothing at all and just take care of ourselves and let others do likewise and let the chips fall where they may?

I get not being rewarded for doing the right thing. But being punished for it? That I don't get. Do you?

Posted - December 13, 2019
