A confident person would spend time presidenting. An innocent person would have welcomed sending staff to testify UNDER OATH before Congress.
How many tweets will the twit tweet today? We are watching and we know very well exactly which he is obsessed with and immobilized by and drowning in. His IMPEACHMENT!
You know the saying "never let them see you sweat"? We see him sweating bigly. Each tweet is him sweating bullets. Cool calm collected he is not. In control of himself he is not. Supremely relaxed and assured his innocence will ring forth? He is not. A smarter man would keep it to himself. The trump spills his guts often and in that self-gutting we see very clearly exactly what he "ate" as he keeps gorging himself to have more guts to spill. Round and round he goes down and down he goes in a spin loving the spin that he's in under that old black magic called FEAR.