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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » An Intelligent Patriotic electorate would be APPALLED at what moscow mitch son of an itch lays out as his plan. Prodons are joyful. Right?

An Intelligent Patriotic electorate would be APPALLED at what moscow mitch son of an itch lays out as his plan. Prodons are joyful. Right?

Screw the law. Screw everything and anything that gets in the way of dumbdemdonjohn prevailing.

What will the Supremes do? Roll over too? Why not. Who cares? Screw everyone who objects.

Posted - December 13, 2019


  • 10795

    Honestly, did anyone really expect anything more?  trump could have been charged with murder  - smoking gun in hand, standing over the body (cameras rolling) proudly admitting that he did it and boasting that he'd gladly do it again - and they would still swear he was innocent.  The republicans don't care about justice or what's best for America; they only care about their reputation; what’s best for their party.  Most of these same people vehemently decried trump when he tossed his hat into the ring in 2015 - including Mcconnell.  Now they are kissing his a$$; praising him as if he were a god.

    Mcconnell flat out said when this thing first stated that he'd make sure it would fail if it reached the senate.  Never mind what charges may or may not be cited.  Never mind any evidence that may or may not be exhibited.  Never mind any facts that may or may not be found.  He already made his decision - not guilty.  Any "witnesses" were already deemed as liars - before he even knew who they were.  This is the same kind of bias they’re accusing the democrats of having.

    Sadly, our legislators are NOT serving all the people. They’re just serving their party.  When they were elected, they were elected to represent ALL their constituents - democrat or republican alike – not just the ones of their party.   

    Even if every republican voter in the country believed trump to be innocent and every democrat voter believed him to be guilty, they have an obligation to represent the opinions of ALL of their constituents  - not just their own.  That means being fair, despite what they or their party think.  Declaring a person not guilty before they get a fair trial is no different than condemning them before they get a fair trial.  Precluding evidence just because one doesn’t like it, does not invalidate it.  Those who blindly or obediently follow a leader (such as McConnell) just because he is of their own party, are nothing more than cowards. 


      December 13, 2019 3:01 PM MST

  • 113301
    What depresses the he** outta me Shuhak is this. I believe they all know he is GUILTY AS SIN and they don't give a sh** or a dam* about any of it. Let the corruption roll on. Let the crimes continue. Let him continue destroying the country. It's all good to them and they are thrilled that he keeps doing it. So I conclude they are all evil. How could "good" possibly support evil? No way. So this country is filled to the brim and overflowering with traitors and haters and will hang in to empower the most vile evil venal man who ever lived. How could it be elsewise? Thank you for your thoughtful answer. Notice the apolitical questions I'm asking? Gotta do it. Can't stand not. :)
      December 14, 2019 4:35 AM MST