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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Apologies in advance for being ignorant/dumb but I can't learn unless I ask. So does every country have a CONSTITUTION?

Apologies in advance for being ignorant/dumb but I can't learn unless I ask. So does every country have a CONSTITUTION?

Who is responsible for enforcing it? Who is responsible for punishing those who go against it? Do the citizens of every country READ it and HONOR it and BELIEVE in it or do they just ignore it so the pols in the country can HAVE THEIR WAY WITH IT?

What is the point of having a document that the movers and shakers wipe their a**es with? That is what is occurring in amurrica in present times. Is that what is going on in YOUR country too?
 Well here at this very moment in real time it is being done on an ENORMOUS scale. No sh**! That's it!
Flagrant consistent obdurate hostile angry vicious awful traitorous treasonous has taken the place of it here. What's going on in your country and do you give a rat's a** cuz lots of "good liddle amurricans" here don't care. They have promised  to obey an insane evil idiot. NO MATTER WHAT HE DOES OR SAYS OR DAMAGES OR WHOM AND WHAT HE DESTROYS. Do you have one too? If you do what are you gonna do about it?

Posted - December 14, 2019
