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Our favorite apples are Gala! What's yours? Ever been to a fancy dancy hoity toity upscale social GALA? Why?

Posted - December 14, 2019


  • 10795
    I'm not an apple lover.  If I have to eat one I prefer a Granny Smith.

    Me?  Go to a gala?  Ha!  People, noise, crowds... not my cup of tea!!  A panic attack waiting to happen.  Besides, I'm kind of on the redneck side ... I wouldnt fit in with them "upscale" folks.
      December 14, 2019 9:57 AM MST

  • 113301
    I used to love PIPPINS but you don't see them around any more. I like all apples but Gala pleases our tastebuds best so why fix what ain't broke? As for fancy dancy? I don't think I'm a redneck fur sure but surely I do not fit in with the rich and famous. Neither carrot appeals to me nor do those whose goal in life is to become famouser and richer. Not that I'd ever be invited! Thank you for your reply Shuhak. What about apple pie, apple turnovers, apple fritters, apple crisp? No sale? :)
      December 14, 2019 11:28 AM MST

  • 10795
    I'm not an apple fan all around.  I prefer blackberry, cherry or peach cobbler; for fruit pies I prefer cherry.   These are especially good if one uses home grown fruit.  Sadly, my peach trees are no longer around (one died and one fell over due to too much fruit), and my blackberries were taken out when I redid my driveway.  I still have 3 cherry trees, but my reenier isn't healthy (no edible fruit in over 5 years), my Bing is too tall to pick (neighbor issues), and the birds and squirrels keep stripping my Queen Anne tree before the fruit has a chance to ripen. 
      December 14, 2019 2:11 PM MST

  • 113301
    Your peach tree fell over due to too much fruit? Wow that's very sad Shuhak. Did you not get around to picking it? We love all kinds of fruit but there is something very satisfying to me about CRUNCHING food as opposite to just chewing it. I say I like to hear myself chew. Things like ice cubes for instance which is very bad I expect on the teeth but I used to do that a lot when I was younger. I LOVE the core of the pineapple more than the rest of it. I LOVE the stems of broccoli and cauliflower. I eat all of the vegge but my favorite part is the crunchy part. I wonder why that is? I'm gonna ask. Now we LOVE apricots and there is no crunch there. You live in a food wonderland m'dear. Sorry that you have so many predators attacking your orchard. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      December 15, 2019 2:12 AM MST

  • 10795
    Although it was well over 15 years old, it was a kind of spindly tree.  One year it had quite a bit of fruit (for its size) - especially on one side.  Come spring, that entire branch was dead.  It then set over 40 pounds of small green peaches (about golf ball size) on its other side.  I guess that was too much as I found it one moning, snapped off 3 feet up from its trunk.  My best peach tree was the one in my garden.  For years I had a compost pile in my upper garden.  On year a peach pit that was tossed into it grew.  that tree had lots of fruit, each weighing at least 1 pound.   One year it simply didn't bloom or pur out any leaves in the spring.  I never did know why.
      December 15, 2019 10:01 AM MST

  • 113301
    That's really odd and sad too for the lost potential. Could it have been an infestation of some pest within? We have a lemon tree in our backyard that is very prolific in the amount and size of lemons (Meyer) it produces each year. Jim is pretty good about trimming it. A couple of years ago on one side a branch did break from the weight of th zillions of large lemons on it. I juice them and make cubes that I keep in the freezer so I never have to buy a lemon ever. We also gives bags away to family and friends. We love lemons and we grow our own! Thank you for your informative reply Shuhak! :)
      December 16, 2019 6:01 AM MST

  • 46117
    I have a cold-press juicer that squeezes the tarnation out of fruits and vegetables.  So I buy fresh, organic apples.  No pesticides, no fertilizer, grown in compost.  That is the way God intended.  So, I eat more than one apple a day. I eat the equivalent of a half dozen or so, freshly squeezed Galas Honey Crisps Granny Smiths Pink Ladies and I think the Honeys and the Galas are my top picks.  

    So far.  Love apples.  So good for us.  
      December 14, 2019 10:01 AM MST

  • 113301
    Jim is a fan of smoothies and juices. I am not. I like to CHEW the entire thing so juicing ain't my cuppa tea. Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)
      December 14, 2019 11:29 AM MST

  • 1152
    I shall remain ever loyal to the Pippin, although the only time I've eaten them in the past several years is when I shopped at certain very-high-end supermarkets at the time Pippins were in season (usually late November through December).

    Thankfully, the Honeycrisp has come along to scratch most of my Pippin itch, and they are available most of the year at most supermarkets (to the point where they are often a loss-leader item sold at very low prices).

    Recently, a local store carried Rave apples and, if they become readily available, they will be my new go-to apple.

    Of course, carrots and pears are also good...

      December 14, 2019 1:07 PM MST

  • 113301
    Pippins were my favorite too SP. Did they just die out? Did Granny Smith do them in? Where do old varieties of anything go to die? Some folks probably never ever even heard of "pippin". Thank you for your reply! :)
      December 15, 2019 2:33 AM MST

  • 1152
    There are literally thousands of varieties of apples in the world. Prior to modern national/international commerce, each apple-growing region had its own particular mix.

    But it would be a logistical nightmare for modern grocery stores to offer hundreds of apple varieties, so apple growers and marketers have narrowed down and largely standardized the number of offerings.

    I suspect we see few markets offering Pippins because Granny Smiths have a similar flavor/crispness profile but -- I think I recall reading this somewhere -- Granny Smiths are more damage-resistant and have a longer growing season than Pippins.

    Thankfully, it seems the growing/marketing of apples has become sophisticated enough that our choices are once again expanding (e.g.10 years ago there were no Honeycrisp apples).
      December 15, 2019 7:04 AM MST

  • 113301
    I think Pippins are a tad tarter than Grannies. I heard that there are similarly a bazillion varieties of Mangoes. Others fruits too I suspect. I would love to visit an outdoor market that carries ALL VARIETIES OF EVERYTHING GROWN EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD. How many miles and days would it cover to drive through such a wondrous place as that? Thank you for your reply SP! :) I gotta ask.
      December 15, 2019 7:19 AM MST