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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Sacrificing self for country is one thing. Sacrificing country for a homo sap is quite another thing entirely. What price will be paid?

Sacrificing self for country is one thing. Sacrificing country for a homo sap is quite another thing entirely. What price will be paid?

There is no free lunch t'is said. Eventually somewhere along the line you will pay a price for it.

What price will the toady sycophant bellycrawling roller overs pay to protect the deadhead? They will do and say anything to preserve him including selling out their country, attacking their fellow citizens, and following the deadhead down a dark path blindly. That does not come free of charge.

Would you like to watch what happens to those who sold themselves for deadhead? What is a fitting forever after for them? Physical pain, mental torture? What could possibly offset/balance out what they are doing?

Posted - December 16, 2019
