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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Conscience, shame, embarrassment, humiliation, are MIA in the GOP today. They pride themselves on hypocrisy traitoring suckingupping. HOW?

Conscience, shame, embarrassment, humiliation, are MIA in the GOP today. They pride themselves on hypocrisy traitoring suckingupping. HOW?

Once upon a upon in the long ago I think but I don't know that the lying hypocritical SOB's would feel a twinge of guilt or wrinkle in conscience for supporting what they KNEW was vile but of course they did it anyway.

Today all sense of degradation and disgust are gone. They feel vindicated in every slimy smarmy sycophantic suckingup they continue to do. A badge hey wear proudly and loudly and defiantly and belligerently and wackadoodly.

The power of the deadhead to have effected all of this is otherworldly and deadly. He comes bearing gifts from the DEVIL. How long will THE BEAST be in charge? I do not know. Do you?

Posted - December 16, 2019
