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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Deadhead strikes again. Who benefits and who doesn't THIS TIME?

Deadhead strikes again. Who benefits and who doesn't THIS TIME?

For the first time in 50 years PORK inspectors will be operating differently. Was 7 inspectors inspecting pigs to make sure they were healthy and SAFE TO EAT. Then the number of inspectors dropped to 2-3 and in the new it will be employees doing the inspecting and inspectors doing some checking. All for why?  What a dumba** question to ask! To speed up the process to get pig to the market faster to sell more pig product faster to make more pig money faster. What else? Geez y'all are so slow!

And the deadhead has plans to change how beef is inspected to speed up the process to get cow to marke faster to sell more cow product faster to make more cow money more faster.

Your health be dam*ed if gets in the way of CAPITALISM! THAT GREAT GOD who will not be denied or impeded in any way if the deadhead has anything to say about and of course being the pokey nosy guy he is he will have a say about everything.

Nice to know your gubment is watching out for ya ain't it though?

Posted - December 16, 2019
