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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » National Forests and National Monuments were featured in a 2009 Ken Burns Special. John Muir and Teddy Roosevelt et al. That was then. Now?

National Forests and National Monuments were featured in a 2009 Ken Burns Special. John Muir and Teddy Roosevelt et al. That was then. Now?

A great sadness overwhelms me. The many people who fought to PRESERVE our beautiful lands for future generations like John Muir, Teddy Roosevelt and other farsighted naturalists is being wiped out undone destroyed rescinded by the deadhead.

Rescinds National Monument Protections
Rolled back 85 environmental protections
Opened up public lands to the energy industry
Mining companies can now dump waste into rivers
Opened Arctic waters to drilling

Why? What a stupid question. TO MAKE MONEY!

We were watching the program prepared in 2009 under the President Barack Obama Administration. He and other presidents before him created safety zones of public lands. The program emphasized this fact...that THE PUBLIC LANDS WERE JOINTLY OWNED BY WE THE PEOPLE AND BY THE GOVERNMENT. JOINT OWNERSHIP. 50-50.

2009 was a very good time. What was isn't any longer. That is OBVIOUSLY APPARENT. We are in the hands of a destroyer. A money-hungry hoor. And 41% of you cheer him on to keep on doing what he is doing. On your heads falls the responsibility for all this savage craven destruction. On your heads. Good job.

Posted - December 17, 2019
