Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» I really don't know much about Mike Bloomberg. I guess you New Yorkers are the experts. Is he a good man or just a money-hungry wealthy SOB?
Anti gun Pro choice Anti coal Anti fossil fuels Banned Purchase of large sodas Started "stop and frisk" in NYC...defended every since but flipped when he decided to run for Pres. But he kept the street clear when it snowed and the trash pick up ran on time.
Thanks m2c. You are anti all of those I know and well I am pro except for the stop and frisk which I think is totally RACIST. It was the SUGAR in the sodas to which he objected. Do you feed your kids tons of sugar? You aren't doing them any favors. When parents let their kids eat drink whatever they want I don't think much of their parenting style. Different strokes. Let the kids rot their teeth out and get diabetes. At least the darlings don't have their rights trampled on. Eat all the candy drink all the sugar drinks smoke take drugs. Whatever turns them on. Why do you object to outsiders trying to help your kids make healthier choices? Thank you for your reply.
I buy very little soda for the house. I do not even drink soda myself....quit it about 4 yr ago. The difference is that was MY personal choice. The government has no business telling me what size or how much of it I want to buy or drink. The ban was not on children purchasing large sodas. It was on all soda purchases.
This overreach of power by Bloomberg is enough alone to defeat him in a general election. People to not like the gov telling them what to do.
This post was edited by my2cents at December 17, 2019 6:40 AM MST
I've heard it all before m2c. But you don't mind government telling women what they can do with their bodies do you? How odd is that? I gotta ask. Thank you for your reply.
There is a baby in the woman's body...we should protect that innocent, defenseless, voiceless human being. (And yes, we should help with food/health if it is needed)