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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The facts are deadhead is the only prez IMPEACHED in his first term. Senate won't do diddly. If the head wins in 2020 can he be REIMPEACHED?

The facts are deadhead is the only prez IMPEACHED in his first term. Senate won't do diddly. If the head wins in 2020 can he be REIMPEACHED?

He will continue breaking the law and doing his corruption criminal treasonous traitorous things. You know that and I know that and everyone knows that and PUTIN especially knows that. The deadhead is INCAPABLE of learning how to do/be better.

So he will put corruption and criminality and treasoning and traitoring to music. A DIRGE. ATONAL like John Cage. Hard on the ears on the eyes on the spirit on the emotion on the intellect on the SOUL.

Where does it say in the Constitution impeachment can only ever be done once to a corrupt criminal jobholder?

Now chances may well be that the Dems get the majority in the Senate and keep the majority in the House in 2020 in which case it will be a slam dunk IMPEACH AND REMOVE FROM OFFICE fer shure fer shure fer shure the second time around! The current Republican toady sycophant senutt majority is not GUARANTEED to hold. We the people are  sick and tired of that moscow mitch son of an itch saying he has COLLUDED with the prez attorneys to make sure there is NO DAYLIGHT between the position of the Senate and that of prez. Whattan ASS! Liddle lindsay graham sez he won't even bother with anything since it's all a sham scam thank you mam.  Another major ASS.The moscow mitch son of an itch sits on hundreds of pieces of legislation sent over to the Senate for action by the HOUSE DEM MAJORITY. And then complains the Dems are doing nothing but impeaching. LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR.  Kentucky ain't loving the hell out of moscow mitch. Betcha they are mortified and angered and enraged that he has the nerve to thumb his nose at THE CONSTITUTION and propriety and sleeps with the enemy proudly so arrogantly so braggingly so evily. AND REFUSES TO DO HIS JOB! What a gasbag jacka**. Kentucky deserve better and we the people do as well. State by state get rid of the sucker upper a**patting whinya** spineless toads and get some real honest-to-goodness country-loving Constitution loving America loving law loving folks in charge and right the ship of state that is going down.

Odds? I dunno. Where there's life there's hope. Right?

Posted - December 20, 2019
