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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I'VE HAD IT! Who the he** do they think they are? Have you had it too?

I'VE HAD IT! Who the he** do they think they are? Have you had it too?

I'm 82. For over a dozen years I have been regularly receiving sales pitches for cremation, hearing aids, walkers, wheelchairs. I AM NOT JOKING! Also from funeral homes. All the time endlessly ceaselessly they are tracking me and I am a "good candidate" by their numbers for all the crap they are selling.

Are you sick and tired of it too? Whom do we sue? It's OUTRAGEOUS and INSULTING. Like they are all vultures circling circling circling circling what they hope will soon become a carcass. Sheesh.

Posted - December 20, 2019


  • 10795
    My dad still gets mail pitches for cremation (he died over 7 years ago).

    Personally, I dislike all the AARP crap I keep getting.   
      December 20, 2019 5:30 PM MST

  • 113301
    You ain't seen nuthin' yet Shuhak. It's a avalanche coming directly at you as you age, What I wonder is how successful are they? Some recipients must be biting to make it worth their while. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday to ya! :)
      December 21, 2019 12:56 AM MST