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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » OF COURSE eric impeached deadhead's son has something to say about it. What didja expect?

OF COURSE eric impeached deadhead's son has something to say about it. What didja expect?

Here we go. PERFECT.

Biden has fought long and hard to control stuttering. Sometimes when he speaks he reverts to that.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders attacked him for it. Then when she discovered it was a life-long "condition" she apologized. Fake totally but well you know she is a preacher's kid. They lie better than anyone.

At the same time a video resurfaced of eric impeachment deadhead's kid attacking Biden for stuttering.

When someone is down you can bet your a** an impeachment deadhead relative will be there to keep kicking hitting smacking attacking insulting. They are always hovering over like vultures just waiting to attack. Something they inherited from their impeached deadhead dad. He is so dam* proud of them for that. Prolly.

Posted - December 21, 2019
