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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Whatta HOOT! The infamous moscow mitch the son of an itch tells us HE IS NOT IMPARTIAL. Yet he will take an oath saying he is. HOW?

Whatta HOOT! The infamous moscow mitch the son of an itch tells us HE IS NOT IMPARTIAL. Yet he will take an oath saying he is. HOW?

Because  moscow mitch that son of an itch is a lying bast**rd whose middle finger is raised to the Constitution the Country and we the people. That's how.

MAY HE CHOKE ON THOSE WORDS if in fact he doth udder them..

OR will he do a tulsie gabby flabby tabby and just say "PRESENT"?We will see willn't we what the SOB does?.

Posted - December 21, 2019


  • 35036
    How can the numerous Dem Senators who are Pres candidates take that oath? 

    This is a joke. And Pelosi caused it. She knows it is fake, she knows it was biased. They made no attempt to even give an appearance of unbias. 
      December 21, 2019 6:40 AM MST