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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » There is a possibility that kellyanne conway is a GREAT ACTRESS. Outwardly supporting the impeached deadhead. Elsewise within?

There is a possibility that kellyanne conway is a GREAT ACTRESS. Outwardly supporting the impeached deadhead. Elsewise within?

Supporting, conspiring with and colluding with her husband George whose views she SHARES.

They laugh daily and nightly privately about the great con scam they are pulling off on the impeached deadhead.

Do I KNOW that for a fact? Of course not. However anything is possible. We KNOW Republicans are consummate liars. They lie day and night night and day with a straight face and earnest demeanor.

She has been at this game a very long time. She knows how to play it better than anyone. She could be an antidon condon and who would know besides George? He has no reason to rat on her. He is probably quite proud of her performance.

Mebbe? Could be?

Posted - December 23, 2019


  • 46117
    I'm going to get the tape of a very brilliant mind who agrees with you.  And I am not being sarcastic.  This man is Cenk Uygur (pronounced Chaink YOUGAR, he's Armenian, I think) anyway, he is the head spokesperson for this progressive show that is the number one internet news show in the world.  Pretty impressive.  Cenk agrees with you, Rosie.  I'll get the tape.  Hang on.  It is a good one.  You will like it. 

      December 23, 2019 1:51 AM MST

  • 113301
    I believe he is a TURK and TUrks are the ones who committed the Armenian genocide Sharon. The gubment FINALLY passed legislation acknowledging the Armenian genocide and that sh**a** impeached deadhead said he will not support it. The SOB. So I don't know what a TURK has that I can use. Thank you for your reply.
      December 23, 2019 2:00 AM MST

  • 46117
    NO NO That is not what the Young Turks stands for.  Turk is a progressive TERM and has NOTHING to do with the Armenian  genocide.  Cenk was in college and made some comment decades ago that said there was no Armenian genocide.  HE APOLOGIZED PROFUSELY for that faux pas. He is totally on the side of right and fair and all things you and I are behind.  I totally trust him.  And he was smeared in the Times by a liar.   Cenk Uygur totally supports Bernie Sanders. I won't get into this with you now, because it is not important.  You will see his true colors.  I promise.  This guy is for real.

      You will see.  Anyway, this is not about Armenia.  This is about his thinking like you do.  That Kellyanne is on her husband's side.  

    I couldn't get the tape to post but this, in general is what it says.
      December 23, 2019 2:11 AM MST

  • 46117

    And Cenk's Co'hostess Anna Kasparian, is Armenian, I believe

      December 23, 2019 2:28 AM MST

  • 113301
    Aren't the young turks Republican? What would a Republican have to offer me?  Never watch it so I know nothing about it.
      December 23, 2019 2:35 AM MST