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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How rampant is self-deception? Thinking we want/don't want and having none of it be true? Is there any way to quantify that?

How rampant is self-deception? Thinking we want/don't want and having none of it be true? Is there any way to quantify that?

We say this or that thinking we mean it. But beneath it all we don't. According to others who can read our intentions motives desires way better than we can. I would say that is insufferably arrogant and egotistical and self-serving but how do I know? If they are the know it alls then who am I to disabuse them of their beliefs. it succors them and drives them and motivates them. They KNOW. We don't. Such is life.

Is that possible? I suppose so. I mean if you can "read" what others really want then you can proceed ahead and that is your justification for what YOU want to do. "She really wanted it". "He really didn't mean that". I know better than anyone what is in your heart and mind. No matter what "they" say or think I know better.

Must be nice to be that intuitive and knowledgeable. That way whatever you do cannot be wrong. You know better than anyone what they want think and whom they really are. They can't fool you. SIGH. Right.

Posted - December 25, 2019
