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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Here's something to chew on figuratively. What's to stop the impeached deadhead from deporting American citizens he dislikes?

Here's something to chew on figuratively. What's to stop the impeached deadhead from deporting American citizens he dislikes?

Who is going to stop him? The fake AG liddle billybarr? Of course not. His job is to pave the way for the deadhead to do whatever he wants to and make be "legal". That is his function in life. Now of course we might think THE SUPREMES will step in and stop it. Well they are already tilted so who knows?

Also I betcha fer sure the impeached deadhead is working on a plan to REMOVE FROM SCOTUS all liberal justices. The women of course. And Chief Justice Roberts better watch his step or the head of dead will remove him too.

You say never gonna happen? HOW DO YOU KNOW?

Congress..well the HOUSE..cannot do it alone. It takes the Senate which we know is already bought and paid for and moscow mitch that son of an itch will never step to do anything to stop the head of dead from doing his thing.

Let him be him. Do not interfer. Do not be an obstacle. Do not disagree. Never ever say "this is wrong".

Won't it be lovely once the head of dead has achieved all his goals? You whities will still be here. Have no fear. As long as keep kissing his a** of course which you will because you adore him so.

How long will it take for head dead to make america great again? Forever?

Posted - December 25, 2019
