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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES took impeachment seriously. It would never have happened if Republicans had kept the majority. Wood it?

The HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES took impeachment seriously. It would never have happened if Republicans had kept the majority. Wood it?

It will be mocked and a laughingstock of derision and foolish imprecision in the Senate where everyone ALREADY knows what the outcome will be because it was already ELUCIDATED by moscow mitch that son of an itch.

I say why bother with the sham the scam the con? Unless there is a tiny bit of hope that enough Republicans will jump ship and do the right thing and hold a REAL trial and do the right thing in charging trying and convicting. Is there a glimmer of slim possibility that enough of them will experience a COME TO JESUS moment?

Posted - December 26, 2019


  • 35039
    Adam Schiff read a parody in to rhe public record on live TV. They would not allow Pres lawyers, GOP to call their witnesses, Nadler allowed said we get 3 and you get 1 witness. Then they refused to allowed the court to decide on the executive privalage claims.

    The only thing they are serious about is using impeachment as a politcal game to win in Nov. 
    It will either work or back fire big time. My money is on the backfire. 

      December 26, 2019 5:54 AM MST

  • 7280
    Today the Battle of Thermopylae is celebrated as an example of heroic persistence against seemingly impossible odds. Soon after the battle, the Greeks built a stone lion in honour of those who had died and specifically for the fallen king Leonidas. In 1955 a statue of Leonidas was erected by King Paul of Greece in commemoration of his and his troops’ bravery.  (ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA)

    If one can relate at all to the principles that Leonidas was acting upon, one will see the importance of what the House has done and the adherence to the constitutional articles and principles behind the House's eventual decision to impeach the current president.

    And if one can't---well, he is probably a Trump supporter.
      December 26, 2019 11:17 AM MST

  • 113301
    I do believe the homo heads who support trump are an entirely different species from homo sapiens. Sapient means showing great wisdom or judgment. Obviously the homo heads supporting the impeached deadhead are not that. Gonna ask. Thank you for your informative and thoughtful reply tom.
      December 26, 2019 12:36 PM MST