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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I am emboldened to ask this next question because of several EXCELLENT replies I received to a question on subject. Which is?

I am emboldened to ask this next question because of several EXCELLENT replies I received to a question on subject. Which is?

Homo saps are too soft too fat too spoiled too lazy too greedy and have too many wants to engage in bartering. No NOT ALL OF THEM but a whole lot of them. Grasping reaching wanting "needing" this and that and the other thing too and they see what you have and they want that too. Not joking.

Ever think of paring down cutting down slimming down and wanting less?

Do you really NEED OR USE all you have right now and yet you still want more? Because of why?

This doesn't hit the poor. They don't have the money to get what they need let alone what they fancy. The wealthy who do want need grasp buy take have no truck with them and begrudge all help. Condescending wealthy SOB's have no heart no soul no love of "the other". If the shoe fits stop bit**ing and just take stock of yourself. Are you one of the needy greedy or one who isn't?

Even on Christmas Day the impeached deadhead was so filled with HATE and self-pity he attacked insulted criticized kvetched moaned groaned and whinya**ed his day. What a useless homo head he is.

He and Melania attended church services Christmas eve. For show I'm sure because he says he doesn't bring God into things. So why does he pretend to care? Sheesh.

Posted - December 27, 2019
