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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » EVIL EDDIE GALLAGHER is just the cuppa tea the impeached deadhead loves to sip. He joins the other evil crew of you know hoo! Evil you too?

EVIL EDDIE GALLAGHER is just the cuppa tea the impeached deadhead loves to sip. He joins the other evil crew of you know hoo! Evil you too?

Evil be evil do evil be so good for you.

Evil here and evil there and evil evil everywhere

Moscow mitch that son of an itch
Liddlebillybarr the fake AG evil to the core
Stevie miller evil racist FASCIST
Mike pompousa** who is leaving the sinking ship to sneak into the Senate he thinks..he did all the evil he could
Mike pounce the quiet sneaky stealthy kind of evil who accepts ignores supports defends it 24/7
rudyg he evil be he evil is he evil was he evil always will be
jared bestie of butcher beheading dismemberer orderer the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia is evil too
ivanka who stays silent and quiet and still and hopes to be invisible while her evil papa and evil hubby do evil
All spokesmouths for evil are evil inspired and evil fed and evil bred and evil strive and stay alive on a diet of evil

Evil be a wondrous thing to see when it is all in sync and colorful and loud and well enjoy it folks. Y'all voted for it. Y'all got it. Different strokes

Most evil of all be the lapdog puppet of Putin the impeached deadhead a "redhead" or orange a heart of black and a love of gold. Colorful evil to entertain y'all

How did y'all ever survive absent all this evil? Well now inhale deeply drink deeply eat your fill for t'is evil you wanted and evil showed up and evil will be absorbed through all your pores so you are one with it forevermore?.

Posted - December 28, 2019
