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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We KNOW the impeached deadhead has been compared to Jesus. We KNOW that his peeps believe he is a gift from GOD. AND?

We KNOW the impeached deadhead has been compared to Jesus. We KNOW that his peeps believe he is a gift from GOD. AND?

Has anyone yet dared compare him to GOD or will that be saved as a special schtick in the run for the presidency in 2020? Not enough that GOD gifted mankind with the impeached deadhead to save it but to admit that the impeached deadhead is the newest iteration of GOD. Of course the head of dead believes that completely and I expect so too do all EVANGELICALS. I wonder how the original GOD is taking all of this. If YOU WERE GOD what would YOU think? I always prefer the ORIGINAL CAST RECORDNGS. The copycats ain't got what it takes in my opinion.

Posted - December 28, 2019


  • 46117
    I don't know what God is thinking.  I think you can get yourself in big trouble when you start telling everyone what God is thinking.  

    You become Evangelical.  You want the apocalypse to occur.  You think you are one of GOD'S chosen.  And God will reward you for being faithful to him and decrying abortion.  That is what the simpleton mind thinks God is saying.  

    Why oh Why would the Creator of all think this nonsense?  

    That is their version of the BIBLE.  Prophesy is PROOF and their skewed version of the future is DEPLORABLE.  TO PUT IT MILDLY.  
      December 28, 2019 9:52 AM MST