Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » West Virginia Guv Jim Justice FIRED 30 jail guard trainees and instructor for the NAZI salute photo. What good will THAT do?

West Virginia Guv Jim Justice FIRED 30 jail guard trainees and instructor for the NAZI salute photo. What good will THAT do?

American Nazis BREED LIKE MAGGOTS. Fire them and they come back a thousand fold. You can't get rid of them any more than you can get rid of roaches and mold and slimy slithery crawly critters and poisonous vipers and chemical warfare and germs. Kill one a hundred will replace him/her. Kill a thousand and a million will show up. We will be consumed and doomed by the NAZIS. Hitler wins from the grave for creating the monstrous plague that spreads and grows and will eventually overtake everything.

Posted - January 1, 2020
