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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I believe the don of johns had a complete mental breakdown decades ago and what we see today is the result. He is not "all there". Was he?

I believe the don of johns had a complete mental breakdown decades ago and what we see today is the result. He is not "all there". Was he?

The don of johns is a crazed bull crashing through catastrophe after catastrophe leaving much danger and damage in its wake. He cannot be controlled though many have tried. His will will be done OR ELSE.

That is not normal by any measure. Everything about him is abnormal. Stem to stern head to toe innards to outwards. Abnormal.

Trying to normalizing it will never work though his adoring worshippers try. Make him the idol the perfect one the person you want most to emulate and defend and protect. Abnormals do that you see.

How will it end? Who knows? I expect the only way to stop a crazed bull is to shoot darts at it with something to put it out temporarily so you can bag it and gag it and drag it to a mental facility where straitjackets await to maintain control. What else do you do with a crazed bull?

Posted - January 3, 2020
