Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Not knowing how it ends is a happier place to be. Not knowing doesn't burden you with reality. For example?

Not knowing how it ends is a happier place to be. Not knowing doesn't burden you with reality. For example?

In the world of celebrities we see them when they're young and talented and successful.

Hoping and even expecting happy endings.

Rita Hayworth suffered from Alzheimer's
Debbie Reynolds had lousy husbands who put her in debt and she died of a broken heart
Carrie Fisher
Judy Garland
James Dean
Ricky Nelson
Robin Williams
John Denver
Carole Lombard
Amelia Earhart

You see them still in movies where they are at their very best but it is bittersweet and sad to know how it ended for them

Sometimes not knowing is better than knowing.

Are you where you expected you'd be? Have you suvived things you never dreamed would have happened to you? Are we all survivors of tragedies we never anticipated...those of us still here?

Dying in a crowd due to a crazed gunman or being somewhere that a bomb explodes or dying of cancer caused by asbestos or cigarettes or chemical warfare?

If we knew what awaited us would we just throw in the towel and fuggeddaboutit?

Like Old Man River...".I'm tired of living and skeered of dyin'". I hope not.

Posted - January 4, 2020
