Didja know the a** believes GOD is working through dumb don and himself and that he believes in the RAPTURE and that he is obsessed with a passage in the Bible about Queen Esther protecting Israel from Iran?
Once again a kookoo bird blames GOD for what is occuring or rather that this is all GOD'S plan..anointing him and dumb don to save the world and bring on the RAPTURE. Now this a** was supposedly very smart and respected when he was other than what he is today. This is what is driving dumb don to do what he does. Religious folks who interpret GOD to suit themselves. Of course it makes a whole lotta sense for residents of DUMB CITY D.C. where all the wackadoodle crackpots go to get what they can before they die. Sheesh. A bunch a blasphemous folks aren't they? Full of themselves thinking that GOD chose THEM? If that isn't crackpot wackadoodle what is?