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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Every time one of dumb don's toady sycophant lemming sheeple LIES TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE he/she shows CONTEMPT for us. How d'ya like it?

Every time one of dumb don's toady sycophant lemming sheeple LIES TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE he/she shows CONTEMPT for us. How d'ya like it?

Mouse pounce listed all the reasons why the dumb don assassination of a military Iranian hero made sense.
He is so dense and insulting and is getting to be as big(not obese big like dumb don) a LIAR as dumb don. All the spokesheads for dumb don must pass the LIAR test with a straight face and you see them and hear them everywhere like maggots. All serious like and sincere as a maggot can be. And as thoughtful and logical too.

A gubment made up of maggots is not something we the people bargained for. Those maggots are in charge. Ain't we got fun? Are we there yet? Everyone says so. That I can tell you,

Posted - January 7, 2020
