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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » They all lack a CONSCIENCE! They will be virulently opposed to something affecting others but if it affects them they swing opposite! WHY?

They all lack a CONSCIENCE! They will be virulently opposed to something affecting others but if it affects them they swing opposite! WHY?

If RIGHT IS RIGHT in one case how can the same RIGHT be wrong in another?

The answer is it can't. Only the conscience-free stupid dumbs espouse such crap and expect others to believe that. Why that is I'm not sure except that they really believe they are smarter than everyone who isn't them and will be able to fool scam con trick lie their way out and the dumbbunnies will believe them. They don't know THEY ARE THE DUMBUNNIES. Dumbunnies never do. SIGH.

So ya take a lindsay graham of decades ago he comes down HARD on one side of the issue. Look at his squirmy squishy squashy maggotthink today? I rest my case.

They are all like that..those dumb don toady sycophants. No conscience. Born that way or made that way by whom what why?

Posted - January 7, 2020
