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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The IMMINENT THREAT was created by dumb don when he ordered the murder of an Iranian Military hero. Didja know that?

The IMMINENT THREAT was created by dumb don when he ordered the murder of an Iranian Military hero. Didja know that?

Now it is IMMINENT. We await the retaliation of Iran for what dumb don done done. Simple as that.

And dumb don promises his reaction to Iran's retaliation will not be appropriate. It will be overboard overmuch overdone as is everything he has always done.

Dumbsh** nitwit idiot created a situation other presidents were SMART ENOUGH to avoid. His degree of dumb is beyond belief and bar none but there ya have it. Dumb to the googolplex and beyond. He has a lock on Dumb for decades or centuries to come.

Posted - January 7, 2020


  • The only thing that he thought was imminent from this was that it might take attention away from his impeachment!  As always, it was not thought through.  

    (I had to stop by to say "Happy New Year" to you Rosie!  Hope 2020 is a good one for you and Jim!) This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at January 7, 2020 6:34 PM MST
      January 7, 2020 9:28 AM MST

  • 113301
    ((hugs)) My oh my you are sight for sore eyes MRS. C! How be thee and thine my friend? HAPPY NEW YEAR. Trust the son and his family are doing fine and your hubby is doing fine and you too? Thanks for dropping by to say Hi! Reminds me of the "good old days" on AB. There were the days my friend we thought they'd never end! HAH! You drop by any old time. The door is always open here for you. Standard open carte blanche invitation in perpetuity! :) This post was edited by RosieG at January 7, 2020 6:34 PM MST
      January 7, 2020 12:09 PM MST

  • We're doing fine, thanks.  You're often in my thoughts!  Take care!
      January 7, 2020 6:36 PM MST

  • 113301
    Backatcha Mrs. C. You're in my memory banks to stay until I no longer exist! Thanks for the memories! Happy Wednesday to thee Mrs.C! :)
      January 8, 2020 5:12 AM MST

  • 35039
    He was a terrorist. He murdered people. Innocent people. 
      January 7, 2020 9:31 AM MST

  • 113301
    So is the Saudi Crown Prince. Why doesn't dumb don take him out too?
      January 9, 2020 1:45 AM MST

  • 35039
    Saudi Prince is not actively trying to kill American soldiers.
      January 9, 2020 4:19 AM MST

  • 10795
    He's anti-smart.  Everywhere he goes, he sucks away any intelligence there might be.

    Only his base is fooled.  The rest of know why he did what he did - to take attention off his impeachment.  He did it to glorify himself.  Iran wouldn't schmooze up to him (the way Putin and Kimmy did).  So the schoolyard bully did what he always does - a cowardly act, followed by a barrage of threats.  This time, however, the bully may have picked on a "stronger" bully (he kicked over the wrong anthill).
    Iran is like we were after the 9/11 attacks - pissed off and out for revenge... and heavily patriotic.    It doesn't matter who was right and who wasn't, this ant hill isn't going to calm down soon.  But it isn't just one hill... these ants have "buddy" hills - ISIS, Hezbollah, and other  terrorists groups. Since donny has isolated the US from the rest of the world and pised off our allies, we may stand alone in this.  His so-called "best buds" (Putin And Kimmy) sure won't come to his aid.  They want nothing more than to see him and his nation suffer.
      January 7, 2020 9:58 AM MST

  • 113301
    I wonder though Shuhak if his base is fooled or just adores his stupidity. Look what he has gotten away with so far? They're there to egg him on keep him rolling. You know how sometimes in a movie theater some in audience cheer the BAD GUYS? Well his base is them. They cheer the baddest dumbest ignoramus for being exactly what he is. Much dumber than they are. They can feel superior to the stumblebum. They'd not do the dumb stuff he does. I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your thoughtful reply.
      January 7, 2020 12:13 PM MST