The dumb don lies 24/7 and always has. He is a narcotic to millions of people. They are more addicted to him every day and all he does is LIE to them. Who knew that lying to everyone all the time about everything was a winning "strategy"? Who knew that a frowned upon clown who was known as a loser could ever become president? A 5-time fake bonespur draft dodger whose wealthy daddy bailed him out of multiple bankruptcies? An abysmal record with wives and "hookers" and "lovers". A despicable expendable needy greedy seedy homo sap. But that's what the folks wanted. What will they want next? More of the same? Worser by far? Better? Different? I guess we will see if evil is in charge this time as it was in 2016. Could be. Mebbe. Everyone says so.