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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I'm way behind the curve in technology and getting further behind each day. It is a language I do not speak. Do you? Are you SAVVY?

I'm way behind the curve in technology and getting further behind each day. It is a language I do not speak. Do you? Are you SAVVY?

How many electronic thingies do you own and use? Is there anything exotic and nifty out there today you don't have?

Posted - January 11, 2020


  • 3719
    I became quite adept at using MS Word and Excel and even had a vague, very basic knowledge of Access, but only as far as I ever needed. The Excel was mainly at work, and mainly for producing graphs.


    I am trying to learn a draughting programme called TurboCAD, and it is hard! I can use it enough to make reasonable workshop drawings which are all orthographic (single-plane views)  but I cannot understand how to use it to draw three-dimensional representations.

    I've looked at the Gallery on its Users' Forum and although most have that slightly unworldly look typical of digital art, some would almost pass as photographs of the complex machines or buildings they depict. Then I closed the Gallery in despair, knowing I could never produce anything anywhere near that standard.

    To be fair though, you do not make things from pretty pictures. You make them from two-dimensional line drawings.


    As for anything else; I have no TV so haven't a clue how to use a modern television with its remote controller.

    I sold my so-called "smart" phone and paid the balance after only 6  months of being baffled by it at the rate of £240 for a 2-year contract.  My portable 'phone now is just a simple, well, telephone! (For text and voice calls).

    I've seen references to "smart" domestic appliances, central-heating systems and the like. Even 'fridges. Blow that! I am not having any of that gimmicky nonsense when I need only a dial and switch or two. It's more for me to use wrongly or for it to go wrong! My microwave oven's bad enough - easy for basic cooking but the defrost setting is a mystery even with the instructions!


    There I something I foresee being a lot of trouble. I am going to use a petrol car for as long as I can, because I would never be able to afford the battery-electric cars our Government wants us all driving eventually. Also I looked at some public charging-points for them, and noticed two things very wrong indeed.

    Firstly, they do not display prices. I have never known any other goods or services on open sale without clear price marking. In fact I think it's required by law.

    Secondly, they provide only one way to pay for the electricity your car takes, and that is via a "smart" 'phone. I don't know that's done, but  nor do I know if you are ever told the price of the electricity you used, and the costs added by the payment-agency and 'phone-company.

    It also assumes your phone company covers the area of the charger you find you need to use: coverage in rural, hilly areas can be poor.  A lot of filling-stations here now have bank-card readers on the petrol and diesel pumps, so there is no technical reason why the chargers do not have them too.
      January 11, 2020 5:18 PM MST

  • 113301
    Wow! A lot of what you struggled with/through I don't understand at all Durdle. I admire your attempts at trying to figger things out. I totally agree with you about irrational complexity. When an on/off switch will do why have all the other stuff added on that could and will go wrong? As things get more complicated does that mean we are progressing sufficiently to warrant it or is it just another ruse to get you to buy the newest toy? Thank you for your in-depth and serious reply to the question I asked. So even way smarter folks than me can be stymied stumped aggravated. Good to know. Happy Sunday! :) Who is rich enough to "buy" when they don't know the cost of things upfront? That is very scary. A question doth arise from this which you will recognize. Sheesh! :)
      January 12, 2020 1:24 AM MST