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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Once upon a time a RIGGED jury and CORRUPT judge was unthinkable. If discovered it would not be allowed to continue. TODAY?

Once upon a time a RIGGED jury and CORRUPT judge was unthinkable. If discovered it would not be allowed to continue. TODAY?

Rigging is de rigeuer and judges pride themselves on being bought off to the extent that they brag about it.

That is precisely as things should be according to the movers and shakers and those who support them.

No question about it. Just go through the motions knowing in advance the outcome. Takes all the mystery out of everything.

Way to go! Dog and pony show in every courthouse forever more.


Posted - January 12, 2020


  • 3719
    After one court case recently. someone told me the defence (or prosecution?) in an American court is allowed to choose the jury.

    Is that correct? It would seem odd because whichever "side" picked the jurors, no-one could expect a fair trial.

    (I have never been picked for jury service but in the British system, the jury is chosen randomly and efforts are made to ensure none of the jurors has any connection to either plaintiff or defendant. I believe too, the judge and jury do not know until the trial starts who is being tried for what offence against whom. The jury is also sworn to secrecy: they must never divulge to anyone else their deliberations, even long after the case has concluded. I thought the American courts work in much the same way.)
      January 12, 2020 5:38 PM MST

  • 113301
    I have received Jury summons several times and showed up but it never got to the picking a jury stage. It was settled out of court. So all I know about jury selection is what I see in movies and TV shows.

    Both sides get to question jurors and throw some out. Peremptory challenges? I think there's a limit to it. So I can't really speak to that issue. It would indeed be unfair to get people who already made up their minds to be the jury. Exactly like the Republican Senate promises to be. RIGGED.. Of course they can lie and I'm sure they do all the time. You see Lying about everything all the time is a way of life in the United States of America. It is far worse now than ever before because well a fish starts to rot from the head and that would be dumb don. Thank you for your reply. Sorry I couldn't answer your question.
      January 13, 2020 2:49 AM MST

  • 3719
    OK. Thank you anyway.
      January 14, 2020 1:56 PM MST