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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » IMMINENT: "LIKELY TO OCCUR AT ANY MOMENT; IMPENDING." Remember the asinine Bill Clinton line?

IMMINENT: "LIKELY TO OCCUR AT ANY MOMENT; IMPENDING." Remember the asinine Bill Clinton line?

"It depends on what the meaning of the world "is" is".

Equally asinine is the variety of responses to the meaning of the word "imminent".

Where's the proof? Nowhere that's where and the reason why is because they lie.

Republican Senators in the briefing were OUTRAGED and INSULTED that the "powers that be" told them they must not discuss it or it would embolden the enemy".

They were not told that at least 4 embassies were targeted in their "briefing". Ya know why? Because that lie came after the complaints as if hearing dumb don say it made it so and true and real.

The conspirators who are making it all up as they go as so stupid dumb they did not COORDINATE their lies in advance of making them public. More dumb don influence.

Stay tuned. The lies flow like water in a thunderstorm. When truth is dangerous lies proliferate. It happens. I can tell you that. Everyone says so.

Posted - January 12, 2020
