I have not however I believe I have only it isn't secret private personal.
The years I have been on Answerbag and Answermug are my diary. I have shared almost every thought and withheld very little. Open book. No need to be secretive about anything. I'm very small potatoes. Nothing to see here worth suing for or targeting. Just another typical homo sap trying to navigate her way through life as best she can.
How would YOU like to have the beginning/end of Answerbag published and Answermug as well? Every word everyone/anyone ever wrote? Every question ever asked? Reply ever given?
Would you love to have it in your library? Would you refer to it from time to time and re-enjoy some of the sublime days?
Think of the Answerbag Answermug friends who have passed away over the years or simply left or were driven away or banned/banished? What would you give to read those words once again? The communications you had with him/her/them?