Who in the he** will stop him from doing whatever he wants to do?
Liddlebillybarr fake AG roy cohn toady sycophant TOP LAWYER in the land? Hahahahaha
mikepompousa** fake secty of state who refuses to support his own department people? HAH
mousepounce who is clearly afraid of his own shadow and fears dumb don's fury more than he fears GOD? HAHA
The military who love adore support dumb don even though he 5-time fake bonespur draft dodged out of serving his country? HAW HAW HAW. NAW
So there is open season in the USA 24/7 365 on all dumbdon critics disagree ers disbelievers. No license needed. All year long. FREE to anyone who is weaponized. No one who is anyone will harm a hare on your hedds. Just listen for his dog whistle and start barking/shooting.