Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I think today's anti-immigrant anti-refugees scumbums would be anti their own ancestors coming to this country. Hate lives on. Ya know what?

I think today's anti-immigrant anti-refugees scumbums would be anti their own ancestors coming to this country. Hate lives on. Ya know what?

The antis of today whose ancestors fled to the USA due to war and persecution should be shipped back to wherever it was. The circle of life closes in on them centuries/decades later. Get rid of them. All bums. Make the country PURE again with the natives that were here BEFORE the great exodus.

Poetic Justice. Only fair.

As they go back to their ancestral homes they can feel rejected unloved second class seconds chipped and discolored that no one wants. They are refuse garbage trash that the originals here going back hundreds of thousands of year DO NOT WANT POLLUTING THEIR LANDS.

Kick 'em back to where they belong. It sure as he** ain't here. Of course me too. I just don't know which country I would be kicked back to. Dad was born in Turkey and Mom was born in Armenia so where do I go? Oh I know. Cut me in half and place half of me in one country and the other half in the other country.

SAME FOR ALL OF YOU READING THIS unless your ancestors were in multiples. Then you be cut up in all those pieces and the appropriate parts sent back to their countries of origin. Ridikkalus? I think not. What is ridikkalus is those of you who are antis since you were all born of antis once upon a time and so you are not the arbiters of what's right here. You are the problem. Go back and enjoy were you would have lived had none of your ancestors come to America. It is NOT your country so get over yourselves.

Posted - January 14, 2020


  • 34678
    My ancestors came legally. 

    That is what we want...come legally. Do not be a criminal, learn English and work. 
      January 14, 2020 7:35 AM MST