Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» There is great arrogance in dumb don knowing whatever he says/does his adoring worshippers will support him. Isn't that INSULTING?
You mean the way the Dems have denigrated and insulted the minority votes in this nation until those folks decided they'd had enough? It really has nothing to do with adoring worshipers that support him. It's just that given a choice between a successful and economically viable republic which follows the rule of law and not the mob mentality, or, being plunged into the Dark Ages with the bizarre nonsensical socialist agenda of the radical Dems, it's easy to understand which way we adoring deplorables will vote. BTW, I honestly appreciate the assistance with a more definitive description of the Socialist Dems. Weirdly queer and peculiarly odd just about sums it up.
I cannot see how so many people can turn a blind eye to much of what that man does. his blatant racism. his brazen lies. his lack of morals. Perhaps some of what he's done may "help" the country (not saying it will), but at what price? Of course, as I look around this great country I can see that its morals are about par with its leaders. Sad.
Indeed. Once again it saddens me that I am unable to take any issue with what you wrote. That rotter will and can and has treated his base disgracefully and they eat it up. Masochists? They wear the hair shirt of dumb don. I shall ask. Thank you for your reply Shuhak.