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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The black widow spider spiderweb of dumb don intrigue is a large biggerer than we suspected. Robert Hyde outed someone else! WHAT?

The black widow spider spiderweb of dumb don intrigue is a large biggerer than we suspected. Robert Hyde outed someone else! WHAT?

That Robert Hyde guy was allegedly STALKING the movement of Ambassador Yovanovitch and reporting to a dumb don toady now is outing a Belgian named ANTHONY DE CALUWE. Another dumb don adoring worshipper. What did he have to do with the Yovanavitch STALKING and implied THREATENING? GOD only knows but we sure as he** don't! How many other creepy crawly critters belong to the dumb don conspiracy colluding with one another to take OUT the Ukrainian Ambassador because she was an obstacle to the corrupt criminal conspiracy?

Well we are going to find that out. LIARS are always revealed. Even when they are unbelievably EVIL CORRUPT and worst of all POWERFUL. WARNING to dumb don. We've only just begin to out you completely!

Slimy smarmy maggots who frolic about in scum and mud. Gather together to do the dirty deed.

Didja know how dirty filthy creepy crawly smarmy your dumb don was, is, will always be? Dirty filthy creepy crawley critters surround him to reflect back to him what he is. Y'all support admire the scum of the earth. Imagine that?

Posted - January 18, 2020
