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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A figurative bullet directed at the heart would have done the job. Just tell Yovanovich "You're fired". But not dumb don. WHY?

A figurative bullet directed at the heart would have done the job. Just tell Yovanovich "You're fired". But not dumb don. WHY?

He got a gang of thugs to saw her up slowly limb to limb. Then TRASH her after they stalked her tracked her threatened her.

The cruel streak is bigger than his cowardly yellow streak. Too chickensh** to fire her directly. Too cruel to have someone else fire her.

Slow. Very slow. Involving a bajillion people as dumb as he is almost. Dumb don sure do screw up bigly when he go for complexity which is way over his head and beyond his depth because he no deep. So when simplicity would have been far better he tries the intricate. He is not interested in better or faster. He is interested in slower and torture. Balmy wackadoodle cruel sociopath? Psycopath? Empath? Bath?  Who knows?

Posted - January 18, 2020
