Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» You betchure bippy if the top of the Dem ticket is a WHITE MAN the veep will be a person of color and/or a dame. Wanna bet?
That would not be surprising. VPs are often chosen on the basis of their perceived appeal to particular constituencies. For example, current VP Mike Pence was almost certainly chosen in the hopes his selection would make Evangelical Christian voters more like to vote for Donald Trump.
One of the more interesting cases of this is the selection of African-American woman Ezola Foster by Pat Buchanan, who was running for President in 2000 as the Reform Party candidate. Some historians and political scientists have argued that Buchanan made his selection to deliberately drive Reform Party voters (many of whom had white supremacist leanings) AWAY from voting for his ticket. Had Buchanan picked not a N*gg*r a more desirable VP (in the eyes of racist f***tards Reform Party voters), he might have received more votes. In that very closely contested election, more Reform Party votes would have almost certainly meant fewer GOP votes, which might have been just enough to tip the election to Al Gore.
Some have suggested Buchanan was aware of this dynamic and deliberately chose Ms. Foster in order to redirect Reform Party voters to the GOP.
Well you pick a strategy and hope it will work. I mean the Dems can't have a double white male ticket. Well they could but boy would that be a dumb move. An African American woman would enrage the Republicans. Double much. African Americans HOPEFULLY would be drawn to the ticket and women who support other women might too. I say might because sadly not all women support women. Some are as bigoted as their mates in that regard. They dig a daddy dearest taking care of them but a mummy dearest in any capacity in gubment? Sheesh. Why I do not know. Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply SP and Happy Sunday to thee! :)