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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Oh how I love IRONY. The best reason to have someone other than Joe Biden be the Dem Candidate?

Oh how I love IRONY. The best reason to have someone other than Joe Biden be the Dem Candidate?

Everything dumb don done done to get dirt on the Bidens will have been FOR NOTHING.

His impeachment is because he sought dirt on Joe Biden
The flurry of TV lawyers and idiot Cabinet members flying worldwide to get dirt on Joe was FOR NAUGHT
Firing and trashing the Unkraine Ambassador was for NAUGHT
Extorting a sovereign president to fake dirt on Biden was for NAUGHT
Breaking the law and holding up approved funding was for NAUGHT

How beautiful that is if you think about it. Night and day dumb don worked with other dumbs to insure his ouster from the presidency via impeachment. Clueless they sped along doing wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. Purposeless vapid vacuous. Gee what could go wrong doing everything wrong, right?

Posted - January 28, 2020
