A BIGOT doesn't mind the color of your skin but HATES whom you love/sleep with and also your religious beliefs etcetera.
A RACIST hates you on sight! Don't care no how no way 'bout anything else but color.
Of course people have a right to HATE whomever they wish right? But whom they love? Now that's a horse of a different color texture viscosity. SIGH. A world of bigots/racist is fine. It's just when they try to mix in with the rest of us things get very dicey. If they could just find an elsewhere to move to in their entirety they would be ever so happy all agreeing on targets to hate. Why don't they find that paradise and move there and make it great?
That way they can build monuments and statues and name places after their racist bigot heroes and lady heroes like Margaret Court. And they all lived happily ever after at the seashore. Don't you just love happy endings?