Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » They had the copy for WEEKS to review and now the dumb don crew issues a FORMAL THREAT to Bolton to keep him from publishing book! WHAT?

They had the copy for WEEKS to review and now the dumb don crew issues a FORMAL THREAT to Bolton to keep him from publishing book! WHAT?

Why in the HE** did they not issue that threat IMMEDIATELY upon receipt of the copy WEEKS AGO?

Stinks. Fishy. Smelly. Dirty. filthy. Creepy. So only now dumb don worries? Boy he sure is SLOW to catch up with what's going on. He needs someone to tell him what to think when to to think it and what to say. His retinue of NANNIES must be staggering huge and costs us how much?

Posted - January 29, 2020
